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Uploaded: 21.09.2008

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At the South Pole (Antarctica), on the remains of an ancient great-continent Longno, under a layer of ice on the fertile soils of prehistoric, there is an unusual race of people who call themselves "Aragon". It is high-tech, intelligent and universally adapted to the harsh conditions of life. These people existed before all known civilizations of the planet Earth, and were, according to legend, colonists from the distant and almost forgotten planet Aragon, from the constellation Dogs ...

Powerful cataclysm that shook the planet millions of years ago, almost erased from the face of the earth Aragon. Someone went after dying heat - floated through the great ocean-Gator and disappeared into the unknown expanses: back of them no one came back! While the back-it was nowhere: a thick layer of snow at first, but after that, and ice in a short time covered the once fertile plains and mountains hospitable continent. Far-fetched after some time to return to Aragon saw a barren ice desert, periodically shake the snow storms and bound terrible cold. Others stayed and were killed in a brutal and merciless struggle against the elements. And only a few lucky enough to survive! How did they do it? Tradition in this respect are contradictory and vague ...

Society survivors of Aragon was forced to change its structure and to establish a clear and rigid hierarchy of control and subordination ...

But they survived, survived and moved to a new stage of its development, so that one day return to the outside world and to occupy a worthy place in it ...

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