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The 55th anniversary is celebrated in an interesting style, remember the old days, the Soviet Union and many other things that are expensive for a person who lived in the USSR, a lot of competitions relating to that time.
Scenario of the male birthday is 55 years old - the beginning

Host: Good evening, dear guests! Today we gathered in this room to celebrate a birthday in a solemn festive atmosphere!
(Applause, fanfare)

Vedas: Dear -----, preparing for today´s celebration, having got acquainted with the invited people, I realized that everyone here was born in the Soviet Union. In this regard, let me hold this evening in the style of that time?

--- - I authorize.
Vedas: Then, dear COMRADES, I ask you to take places at the festive table.
(They sit down under Soviet melodies)

Vedas: Dear comrades, we begin the grand meeting about the summing up of the eleven shock five-year plans of our birthday.

Two fives stood nearby
It turned out an anniversary.
But you do not need to mourn
Smile is more cheerful.
On the anniversary birthday
We give you instruction
Be happy, fair,
Cheerful, happy!

I ask you, comrades, to support my proposal and to vote with a ringing tinkling of glasses and a three-fold appeal: "Congratulations!"
(Drunk, bitten, background Soviet music)
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