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Superior content using WordPress SEO. There is a preview of the snippet and will look like a link to the page in the search engine results (check the normal length of a title and description).
Analytics page. The plugin allows you to keep track of simple things on the page that can be useful: the presence of the images in the text keywords and meta description.
META and links. You can control the indexing of pages in search engines, such as categories of the default search is available only to the first page.
XML Sitemaps. In WordPress SEO plugin has one of the most functional XML sitemap for search engines, which are supported by custom posts, images, pages, etc. If you save it sends a notification to Google and Bing. The plugin Google XML Sitemaps is no longer needed.
Optimizing RSS. You can add RSS link to the original blog post, as well as some other information. Useful instead plug Add code to RSS and manual edits in the pattern.
Bread crumbs. In the blog I talked how to create a breadcrumb module Breadcrumb NavXT - Now for this purpose you can use WordPress SEO by Yoast.
Edit .htaccess files and robots.txt - straight from the admin.
Integration with social networks - Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
Multisite compatibility - plug-in and set it up with a wordpress installation work for multiple sites.
Import and export. A useful option if you have multiple blogs - once set up WordPress SEO by Yoast and then export-import.
Import settings from other plug-ins - for those who have previously used the All In One SEO Pack or HeadSpace2, and then decided to move to WordPress SEO.
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