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Description of the lesson:

? 8 data bearer in HTTP 1.1

? Data from the form.

? Attributes form. Attribute that specifies the type of content transmitted from the mold and then a header will be sent to the browser on the server.

? enctype = "text / html", the title of the browser: Content-Type: application / x-www-form-urlencoded and Content-Type: multipart / form-data

? Send data from the form, encoding the% (percent) and hexadecimal, coding gaps.

? Processing lines of JavaScript and PHP functions url encoding.

? Encoding when sending data from the form GET or POST. Russian character encoding and automatic conversion browser and the server.

? arrays $ _GET or $ _POST, and also $ _REQUEST. Line QUERY_STING.

? URL encoding browser form data and decoding on the server side.

? If the form is emulated on JavaScript.

? URL Encoding: Cyrillic characters encoded in Unicode (UTF-8) and then the hex.

? Coding invalid characters in the URL! "#% & ´*,:; <=>? [] ^` {|}space? Letters Alphabets undergo any transformation of the URL.

GET method of data transmission

Description of the lesson:

? An example of an HTML form with method GET.

? As a GET URL requests sent from the browser address bar or a URL of html links.

? Example URL string.

? case-sensitive recording $ _GET.

? Comparison of methods GET and POST.

? How and where GET protocol transmits data.

? Security! Transfer methods GET or HEAD of personal data leaks or critical data: login, password, credit card numbers, phone numbers, addresses, etc.

? Caching data in the history of visits to the browser, server, and proxy server.

? Allow the user to save the page or send to someone else for what your site or page.

? $ _GET array

? Titles browser by sending GET.

? Example: Headlines GET request from the browser.

? Example: GET response headers from the server.

? Automatic request for a search on Google or Yandex method GET.

POST method of data transmission

Description of the lesson:

? An example of an HTML form with method POST:

? POST method, and unlike the methods GET and HEAD.

? The types of data and content transmitted by POST.

? Automatically send data from the form method POST.


? The array $ _POST.

? Titles POST, Content-Type and Content-Length

? Interception of data sent by POST.

? Examples of request headers from the browser: simple data transmission method POST.

? Examples of the response headers from the browser.

The method of data transmission HEAD

Description of the lesson:

? HEAD method, and unlike the method GET.

? Response by HEAD.

? browser and proxy caching.

? PHP function get_headers () and stream_context_set_default ().
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